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Showing posts from January, 2019


With the addition of the Chromebook, one would think that students waste less time on the organization and management of paperwork. During my classroom observations this week, I noticed more than ever how much "stuff" students have with them on a daily basis - on their desks, in their backpacks, folded in books, in their notebooks, in purses, in pockets, folded in their Chromebooks, and so on. Their stuff  is everywhere. There is no one at fault for this, as the students travel to 6 different classes throughout the day and in most cases, are involved in an activity or sport after school that provides even more stuff  for them to keep and organize. As I discussed in my post last week, our students' typical day is action packed and full of content, assignments, and activities. If you really sit back and watch the students manage the stuff  that they bring with them from place to place throughout this typical day, it is amazing to see how students differ when it comes to man

The Typical Day

Wow. Seeing my students in different learning environments this week has opened my eyes to a sophomore student's typical day at our high school. I must say, I am blown away by their daily schedules and the amount of content they learn each day. While I know they take 6 other classes throughout the day besides my English class, until you actually sit in some of these classes, it is hard to imagine what they are actually doing on a daily basis. This week, I had the opportunity to visit the following classes: AP Human, Chemistry, Health, and Creative Writing II. While the plan was to observe just one student, I was excited to see that each class I visited included more than one of my students. With this, I was able to touch base with multiple students later in the day about what they were learning in their classes. This opened up the chance for me to connect with more of my students and truly invest in their learning - not just in my class - and to learn more about them. As I sat

Something Awesome

Have you ever wanted to do something awesome? Something that is fun, exciting, and provides an opportunity to grow? Every school year, I try to figure out something awesome that I can do to not only help our staff and students but also help me become a better teacher, coach, and leader at our school. Last year, as you all know, my "something awesome" was starting this blog and visiting classrooms around the building. It kept me motivated, excited, and present all year. The best part...I learned so much about teaching, learning, staff, students, and our wonderful school. This year, I have continued observing and writing, but it hasn't been as organized as it was last year with my weekly department highlights. While I have shared some awesome things happening at our school, I have still been brainstorming my "something awesome" for this school year.  As I reflected on first semester and the projects that I was passionate about, the Collaborative Learning Te